Hello Biker People,

As usual the World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago will be in June this year. June 8th to be specific. And as usual we need assistance.

I'm the head of security for this ride and I need clothed volunteers for corking and crowd control. Imagine a Naked Critical Mass. Our goal is to keep the non-riding public (spectators) from becoming gropers ad grabbers. Smiling and a positive attitude is all I ask.

This year we are also going to have a second group of volunteers for clean up. We use a north side park as a rest stop and have left it in horrible condition many times. This is not the goal behind the ride. If u are environmentally minded and dont want to get involved in the nude aspect of the ride i would ask for you to pht your effort into this group.

There is a Naked Ride Security group you can join with some FAQ. And i'm always willing to talk if you have questions. My e-mail is gec00@hotmail.com. Drop me a line with your number and i'll get in touch.

And cause no good deed should go unpaid we do imbibe a few drinks after the ride. Ofcourse there is no expense for the volunteer. :)

Thanks for your attention.

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So, any of my new pals from the Chiditarod Bike Marshal crew sign in here yet?

I'd be happy to be a clothed volunteer - I sent an email but haven't heard back yet.

Hey lmh. Sorry i havent seen an e-mail. Join up in the security group on here. There is a q&a and i'll post the details in there as well.
And 630 views on this thread? 600 of them must be me... :)

Well 769 Page views is impressive but we still need bodies.


All volunteers are clothed. We need folks at the mid point for clean up and as security for the ride.


And all volunteers get to enjoy free libations at the after party.

And I know it's a long shot that ATA would send any help but maybe 1 or 2 folks? Last year I had a guy fully naked, couldn't ride straight-drunk, telling me he worked for ATA, and refusing to put his pants on. The security crew took care of him all the way to the end spot. I'll ask for a name this year...

I hate to be that guy but I hope no weird four wheeled pedal powered contraptions this year. I recall a security guy, maybe Will? having to pull one of those along at one point because the people on it were gassed. Also I hope more people bring spare tubes this year!
I remember the 4 wheel folks. Warn 'em at the beginning.

First Group message sent out. Current security folks check your inboxes. Folks thinkin about joining up ask me if you have any questions.

Last year was a HUGE turnout. If the weather's good, this year will burst the seams. Anybody who's ever corked an intersection, anybody who can ride and look over their shoulder at the same time, anybody who's not afraid to say "Hey! Knock that off!" when they see asshattery in progress--ALL HANDS ON DECK!

This is one of those events that I really hope will eventually go away.  It sends the very message that we should not be sending to the public at large -- that bicyclists are not "normal" members of society.    This ride hurts the bicycling community even more than Critical Mass.   I don't wish anyone ill, I just wish that the riders and the organizers would step back and take a long and critical look at the image that they are projecting and how it impacts Bicycle riding as a whole.

But, just as the Viet Nam War protesters lengthened the war because it "felt good" to be a protester,   I expect that the delays that this creates in a greater acceptance of bicycling will be ignored because "it feels good" to be antisocial.

Really? Protesters lengthened the war?
I never heard that. Mind sharing your source?

David crZven 10.6 said:

" ... Viet Nam War protesters lengthened the war ..."


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