Hello Biker People,

As usual the World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago will be in June this year. June 8th to be specific. And as usual we need assistance.

I'm the head of security for this ride and I need clothed volunteers for corking and crowd control. Imagine a Naked Critical Mass. Our goal is to keep the non-riding public (spectators) from becoming gropers ad grabbers. Smiling and a positive attitude is all I ask.

This year we are also going to have a second group of volunteers for clean up. We use a north side park as a rest stop and have left it in horrible condition many times. This is not the goal behind the ride. If u are environmentally minded and dont want to get involved in the nude aspect of the ride i would ask for you to pht your effort into this group.

There is a Naked Ride Security group you can join with some FAQ. And i'm always willing to talk if you have questions. My e-mail is gec00@hotmail.com. Drop me a line with your number and i'll get in touch.

And cause no good deed should go unpaid we do imbibe a few drinks after the ride. Ofcourse there is no expense for the volunteer. :)

Thanks for your attention.

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I have linked this group in the thread. I can make another, too.
Thanks dude. Otherwise they are all talk . That happens too.

Short and sweet messages that will be given over megaphones at the rally:

1) Ladies ride in the middle of the road
2) Men, chivalry isn't dead, ride on the outside.
3) Slower riders please go to the front at the beginning
4) Save the heavy drinking for the after party
5) No pics inside the rally

6) Be aware of your surroundings at all times

More will be added.

Time Out Chicago decided to give us unwanted press. The need for clothed security was not mentioned and is even greater. Folks with corking experience, riding in Mass, Security experience, or just the courage to stand between those that would do wrong and those trying to do right.

Regardless of your thoughts on Critical Mass or pack riding no one is asking to be sexually assaulted.

Hey there! I'd like to help out with security. I've done bike marshaling for Chiditarod for three years so I have some experience corralling party people from the saddle of a bike.

Welcome aboard!
1) Ladies ride in the middle of the road
2) Men, chivalry isn't dead, ride on the outside.
3) Slower riders please go to the front at the beginning
4) Save the heavy drinking for the after party
5) No pics inside the rally
6) Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
7) If you have 20lbs of camera gear, and not named Barbara Mann, we better not see you using it.
8) No Tagging
9) No glass on the Mass
10) If you see something, say something!
11) Don't give your clothes to your friend.

12) High Fives can be dangerous when sober...So when Drunk?

The Ride is Saturday. Help needed right up til the meeting at 2 on Saturday. 


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