Hello Biker People,

As usual the World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago will be in June this year. June 8th to be specific. And as usual we need assistance.

I'm the head of security for this ride and I need clothed volunteers for corking and crowd control. Imagine a Naked Critical Mass. Our goal is to keep the non-riding public (spectators) from becoming gropers ad grabbers. Smiling and a positive attitude is all I ask.

This year we are also going to have a second group of volunteers for clean up. We use a north side park as a rest stop and have left it in horrible condition many times. This is not the goal behind the ride. If u are environmentally minded and dont want to get involved in the nude aspect of the ride i would ask for you to pht your effort into this group.

There is a Naked Ride Security group you can join with some FAQ. And i'm always willing to talk if you have questions. My e-mail is gec00@hotmail.com. Drop me a line with your number and i'll get in touch.

And cause no good deed should go unpaid we do imbibe a few drinks after the ride. Ofcourse there is no expense for the volunteer. :)

Thanks for your attention.

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Hey, when I know more about june, I will so let you knw!

Thanks Rocky!
I can help with security.
Great OLB. Join the Security Crew group. I'll add ya as a friend and send ya my cell as well.
Note: May be entirely unrelated to the ride for H.
If u are looking to get miles in on ur bike and get some experience with what Naked Ride can be like there are 2 rides on Saturday. First is the architectural bike tour of Norwood Park. This is a good example of necessary corking and pack riding. It's also extermely informative and fun. Then there is Marauders. It can run the gammit of fun to shit sucking nightmare. This is a good example of chaos and drunk riders and necessary/unneccesary corking.

This week we have the Full Moon Fiasco on Thursday and Critical Mass on Friday that are good for miles and experience with corking.

Will WNBR be cleaning up after itself this year or will it be trashing a public park again?


There is someone heading up a cleaning crew this year.

notoriousDUG said:

Will WNBR be cleaning up after itself this year or will it be trashing a public park again?

Next Saturday a true endurance trial ride: Ride to the Fire. Buy a ticket in the Harlem End for Section 8. Join the ride down and tailgate and then ride home. Good Times! :-) If you can't make the ride to the Fire then Lee's Tour of Austin will also test your mettle. ;-) Good ways to get experience in group riding.

The better we are about weeding out the creeps, the more fun the ride and the afterparty gets!



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