Closing the Dog Attack article with a final note and emphasizing a technique suggested!

"You can take an animal out of the wild, but you cannot take the wild out of an animal." 

This simple message cost the lower leg of a jogger on the Lake Front a few weeks ago, as well the life of a Dolphin trainer in Florida, and countless others who have had worked with wild animals in Circuses or other animal shows.  I think I wrote enough to make a point.  

Furthermore, as far as dog attacks are concerned for bicycle riders, I heard and read one very good response from one of our contributing members.  His suggestion was to mix a 1 part of Ammonia and 9 parts of Water, pour it into a spray bottle and use the spray at close range on the dog's nose while its attacking/approaching you.

When you adjust the nozzle, make sure it as is half stream and half spray instead of a full stream because you could miss the nose, a small target, and the wind could also blow away the wists of your spray, making the spray useless! 

In closing, if you decide to want to use a spray deterent instead of spending money on a Bear Spray, please follow any instructions you find and read on this and on other web sites. Mind you, if you are not readily able to use defense against an attacking animal, than they all are useless! 

If You cannot pull the trigger, than don't even bother getting the protection, just keep running.             


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I don't know why a perfectly good discussion needed to be closed, just to open another one on the same topic that almost reads like stereo instructions.


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