Close your eyes. Imagine your Amazon purchase being packed and shipped-- where, by who. Now open them.

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heheheh... recently found a stand-alone tent cot on craigslist for $80 with plans to put on a trailer for the same effect.
sorry Jami and I replied the same thing at the same time, so I didn't see hers before posting. Great minds think alike!

H3N3 said:
OK OK, I'm sorry I got that wrong.

Liz said:
I think that is a retired coupled who purchased the motor home to live in when they retired. $250 for a nice home isn't that crazy. I think they started working temp jobs when investments went south and income was lower.

None of this is that shocking.

H3N3 said:
I'm having the hardest time wrapping my brain around the folks who bought a $275,000 mobile home because they couldn't afford to pay their mortgage any more . . .?


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