I received info from Clif today, here is a list of affected products. For a complete description of the recall click here: http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/clifbar01_09.html

The Following Clif Bar & Company products with "Best By/Sell By" dates ranging as shown below, in all sizes and packages, are included in the recall:
CLIF BAR Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch
BEST BY/SELL BY: 21JUN09 to 01OCT09, and 03NOV09 to 28NOV09
CLIF BAR Crunchy Peanut Butter
BEST BY/SELL BY: 21JUN09 to 01OCT09, and 03NOV09 to 28NOV09
CLIF BAR Peanut Toffee Buzz
CLIF Kid Organic ZBaR Peanut Butter
BEST BY/SELL BY: 07JUL09 to 05SEP09, and 12NOV09
CLIF Builder's Peanut Butter
BEST BY/SELL BY: 19JUL09 to 30SEP09, and 05NOV09 to 18NOV09
LUNA Nutz over Chocolate
BEST BY/SELL BY: 29JUL09 to 03OCT09, and 11NOV09 to 14NOV09
LUNA Peanut Butter Cookie
BEST BY/SELL BY: 2OCT09 to 03OCT09, and 11NOV09 to 14NOV09
All Flavors of CLIF MOJO/CLIF MOJO Dipped Bars
Customers with questions on how to proceed may contact Clif Bay & Company at 800-370-1688

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Thanks for the heads up! Guess that means I have to part with my Clif Mojo bars. I have no idea about their nutritional/performance value, but damn they're good! :)
gah...you know how many of those I ate in the past week?
Wait, does this mean I'm going to have to PREPARE my dinner? I usually just unwrap it. On the plus side, maybe I can blame my lackluster performance at the gym this weekend on salmonella.

I'm a big, huge, monster Clif fan... I'm sure they'll take care of their customers.


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