I'm trying to give the wheels on my Lotus Excelle a good wash. They're a bit dirty. I was told by a friend to hose them down then apply Black Magic Titanium Wheel cleaner. I just wanted to make sure if this isn't gonna mess them up in any way. Has anyone ever used black magic on their wheels or a similar product?

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Most automotive wheel cleaners use teflon or something like it to help keep dirt and brake dust from dirtying the wheel again right away.  This is basically lubricant - something I wouldn't want on the braking surface of my rim. A swab of rubbing alcohol along the surface should remove any of this residue, though, if you use it.  The cleaner won't harm the wheels, although it's probably more potent than needed (automotive brake dust gets caked on and can be as tough as paint) and like any solvent I'd try to keep it away from bearings unless you're rebuilding/re-greasing the whole wheel.

So its safe to use rubbing alcohol on the braking surface?

It's just aluminium or steel it should be fine.  Even carbon fiber should be okay (but check first).

Samuel Diaz said:

So its safe to use rubbing alcohol on the braking surface?

i've had good  luck with a cake of Fels Naptha soap and a soft scrub brush.

I use rubbing alcohol on all my wheels, both aluminum( annodized and non) carbon fiber, and carbon fiber with a fiberglass brake track. This has worked well for me for 30 yrs. I also take a fingernail emory board to the brake pads, this cleans all the metal shavings off the pad and exposes some fresh rubber or cork. 


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