Randomness from yesterday/this morning. Watch with subtitles. Don't walk on the bike lane.  

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Have to agree with clp in this case. In any pedestrian/vehicle collision, the ped -no matter if it was through their own stupidity/ignorance/lack -of-situational-awareness/whatever- can sue and the law is pretty much on their side, especially if they have a bike-hater for a lawyer or judge (of which there seems no shortage.)

 i'd be reluctant to post videos on any medium- they can be a two-edged sword.

Even if I have video footage, green light, being ON the bike lane? 

So if one day, I am high on meth, and I am running on the Kennedy during rush hour, and I get hit by a car, it isn't my fault?

B O N U S ! ! ! 

I think everyone should go back and take another look at Ernesto's video, 'crashing without style'. 

'E', you should've sued the idiot ped, (don't walk red light), who caused your concussion and dislocated knee after you putting down your bike to sacrifice yourself in order to save the idiot peds' arse!  If you weren't half out from being concussed you should have chased him down . . .  GEEZ! . . .

Ernesto's gutsy videos depict real life city riding learning experiences for cyclists, venerable road users. Obviously, all should ride cautiously and carefully and avoid injuring anyone and themselves especially when 'go-pro-ing' so they would not have cause to be accused. 

And if you think cyclists shouldn't share their experiences on video, please don't visit the bike video site at reddit/bikecammers.

Yes, the ped was a clueless wretch, and yes, cycling in the city- especially downtown- is hazardous.

But, consider this scenario: the ped in that video sustains some vague but identifiable injury (a bruise will do,) and is convinced by his cousin-the-personal-injury-lawyer that he has grounds for a suit. Why, looky here! there's a video of the incident! and looky here! we can find out who this person is and make their life a living hell for years!

YMMV. It's just my humble opinion and a memory of a friend who struck a pedestrian and got sued.

Yes, even if.

The laws favour pedestrians, no matter how stupid. Even IF you should "win" in court, you'll be out hefty legal fees (lawyering up ain't cheap!) and days or months of your life sitting in court that you'll never get back.

Also remember that an average panel of jurors, and many judges, have NO IDEA what it's like to cycle in the city. They'll most likely be motorists and have no sympathy for a cyclist.

As tempting as it may be to run down a ped, it's just plain wrong, so don't do it.

Also, remember that you may also be a pedestrian most days.

I am also a pedestrian when I need to take a break from work... and as biased as I am, I see idiocy in all forms. Cyclists, pedestrians, drivers. 

Also, I am not out there to run anyone down. Sadistically, I do enjoy the immediate scare - makes them aware that they're being unaware. 

So you act like the douche in the car buzzing cyclists he doesn't like on his road. You're the same kind of idiot that s\he is, no matter how you want to phrase it.

Those clowns in the cars enjoy the immediate scare to, you know, to make you aware.

More like the douche on a bike who is on the proper bike lane, and pedestrians walking on the bike lane, unaware. 

I am, a Bagaducci.

Interestingly, when a pedestrian jaywalks and gets hit, the police call it an accident. The driver, who was probably just driving and this person popped out of nowhere, gets no citation. 

If you look at "Crashing without Style," this guy just blindly walks when I had the green. I crashed hard to avoid hitting him. 

Here's some more of the greatest hits from 2017.


And I get cyber-yelled out for my antics...

Yep, cyclists are no different than motorists and pedestrians act just like pedestrians, no matter what form of vehicle they are interacting with.

People are people, doesn't matter what form of transportation they use.


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