Chicago Naked Ride Security Needs You! (CLOTHED ;-)!

So it's getting on that time of year again and let's see who we can muster for help! ;-) If you ride with Security you are clothed (I wear jeans and no shirt). But we also need volunteers for stay behind crew.


Expert Naked Ride peeps are always welcome! ;-)

The Rear Guard Needs You!

We are the peeps that hold the end of the ride together. Bring a positive attitude and a willingness to help out. We keep the police and nayr-do wells off the naked folks. Don't worry about conflict as we should have enough peeps to handle that and there are lawyers on the ride to protect the riders. The ride is Saturday June 11th 2011. ;-)

You can contact Andrew through here or me through here or at <--- those are zero's after the gec.

Thanks and talk soon,
gabe ;-)

(Can the Guys from last years crew check in on here when you see the thread? ;-)

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scored 4 non-chainlinkers today!!! love it! welcome to jason, jay, jim and dan. :-) workin on 2 more! :-)

Lost Freddy for one of the best reasons ever. He is the new Chef de Cuisine at The Violet Hour! Congrats Freddy!!


We still need help on Security. ;-)

Thanks MARK and I agree, Get on this Freddy! ;-)
Welcome aboard David! :-) Who else has the stones? :-)
Bacon-wrapped bacon!

M.A.R.K. said:
Congrats freddy! Since you can't make it now, you should at least cook us some dinner. anything bacon wrapped is fine with me. Gabe, I am still in.
Welcome to Sam S and Matt if u wanna ride security shoot me an e-mail (those are zero's after the gec) please include ur cell number :-)

talk soon,
So many people in, then out, how big do you expect the security tam to be, Gabe? What's the ideal number?
Enough that the naked people don't get hassled by the bystanders? ;-) That work? ;-)
I am 99% percent sure I won't have to work on June 11th.
Works for me.

Gabe said:
Enough that the naked people don't get hassled by the bystanders? ;-) That work? ;-)
Sweet, we got Wes! ;-) I'm gonna start a Naked Ride Security Group to make communication easier and keep info in one place (mainly easier for me) and we can retire this thread after this years ride ;-)

I'm in, can bring a trailer and a couple of pumps.  Can folks bring a few patched tubes from home for flat fixing?  I've got a crapload of 700's, but other sizes would be handy, too.


David606xx at the gee mail


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