Chicago Naked Ride Security Needs You! (CLOTHED ;-)!

So it's getting on that time of year again and let's see who we can muster for help! ;-) If you ride with Security you are clothed (I wear jeans and no shirt). But we also need volunteers for stay behind crew.


Expert Naked Ride peeps are always welcome! ;-)

The Rear Guard Needs You!

We are the peeps that hold the end of the ride together. Bring a positive attitude and a willingness to help out. We keep the police and nayr-do wells off the naked folks. Don't worry about conflict as we should have enough peeps to handle that and there are lawyers on the ride to protect the riders. The ride is Saturday June 11th 2011. ;-)

You can contact Andrew through here or me through here or at <--- those are zero's after the gec.

Thanks and talk soon,
gabe ;-)

(Can the Guys from last years crew check in on here when you see the thread? ;-)

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okie-hadnt counted ya yet cause i didnt know if u were doin legal observer or us. who else is in? :-)
Sweet ;-)
Ok! So whoever it was that said they didnt wanna do the rear again (i thought it was brett but it wasn't) need not worry anyway. This is the earliest i can remember we have all the trailers set already. Brett and Gibbles will be doin trailer duty and i'm very thankful! :-)
Hector is in. Who else? ;-)



No, seriously, everyone on the security crew is clothed. (Gabe might get naked for you later as a thank you if you ask nicely however. (not really))

You comin this year Ryan? ;-)

Gabe said:
You comin this year Ryan? ;-)
sad cause u r one of the strongest riders i know. but i know how u feel about seein friends naked. oh well love ya anyway. can u help at the start stop point while the riders are away?
Maybe for Ryan ;-) Still lookin for peeps. Who's in? ;-)
And a Lenny! Who else we got? ;-)
Howard, Ryan and I spoke away from the board. Thanks for your productive notes though ;-) Really. ;-)
Bumpin'. Who else wants to help out? ;-) Where are all the folks with the excuses? ;-)


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