Chicago Naked Ride Security Needs You! (CLOTHED ;-)!

So it's getting on that time of year again and let's see who we can muster for help! ;-) If you ride with Security you are clothed (I wear jeans and no shirt). But we also need volunteers for stay behind crew.


Expert Naked Ride peeps are always welcome! ;-)

The Rear Guard Needs You!

We are the peeps that hold the end of the ride together. Bring a positive attitude and a willingness to help out. We keep the police and nayr-do wells off the naked folks. Don't worry about conflict as we should have enough peeps to handle that and there are lawyers on the ride to protect the riders. The ride is Saturday June 11th 2011. ;-)

You can contact Andrew through here or me through here or at <--- those are zero's after the gec.

Thanks and talk soon,
gabe ;-)

(Can the Guys from last years crew check in on here when you see the thread? ;-)

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Thanks Ian, I forgot Jerry. :-( I'm a jerk. ;-) But everyone knows that anyway.

So BK (vet)(And the Big Dummy! ;-), Larry, Brett(vet), Kelly, Doug, Matt P(vet), Doom(vet), Mario, Jose, Dana B and T.J.

I'm hoping we get a shot at our old record of 1700 riders that means you guys talkin it up to pals as well. Remember, it's "bare as you dare." many people think they MUST be naked and don't come, but they can ride in any state of undress including complete. And if we do get more than 1700 people, we'll need more security. ;-)

So, who else is lookin to work security? ;-)
for those of you silently weighing this opportunity - last year's crew was fantastic - it was a small group with great communication and a very clear mission - to keep the ride together and the riders safe from outsiders and each other. This is not a group of bruisers, the members of the security crew were a calming bunch for the riders and they focused on making sure small sparks never became a fire. They are the reason the attorneys had nothing to do and the police didn't have to involve themselves with rowdy riders or spectators. If you can cooperate with other organizers, communicate clearly, help protect the riders and their purpose(s), and want to assist in a great event, please sign on.
A friend of mine owns TriAcycle. I'll touch base with him to see if he'd like to join us in the rear. I also know someone who can pull trailers, myself included.

Gabe said:
Larry, Brett, Kelly, BK, Doug, Matt, Doom, Mario, Jose. Keep it comin! ;-) Mario can you send me your cell number in a message?

Does anyone wanna pull a trailer? Always helpful. And does anyone know a pedicab rider that would like to bring up the rear?

Looks like the Security crew will be having a pre-ride function for the Soccer game. More details to follow. ;-)

Rear Guard - We guard your Rear! ;-)
Thanks for the vote of confidence Ian! ;-) It makes our job easier knowing you are there! ;-)

Kelly, if your friend on the trike can really get it movin when need be then please invite her. If Doug brings his trailer, and BK has his we should be good. The trailer would fill it out nicely but wouldn't be required. ;-)

Something we talked about for awhile is to many trailers slow the crew down. The riders with trailers need to able to get 'em movin too as there are times when we have gaps we need to close.. ;-)

So BK (vet)(And the Big Dummy! ;-), Larry, Brett(vet), Kelly, Doug, Matt P(vet), Doom(vet), Mario, Jose, Dana B, T.J., Chuckie and Shawn C. This is lookin good! ;-)

Rear Guard! We Guard Your Rear! :-)
BK (vet)(And the Big Dummy! ;-), Larry, Brett(vet), Kelly, Doug, Matt P(vet), Doom(vet), Mario, Jose, Dana B, T.J., Chuckie and Shawn C., and Matt 2, Ed F (vet), Brian E(vet) and Dubi ;-) We grow! ;-)

Rear Guard. We Guard Your Rear! ;-)
Hey peeps, if we are not friends on here can you add me up so I can include you in the planning e-mails. Thanks! ;-)
My work plans have changed, I am available if you still need the help
Cool ;-) I'll put you in the next planning e-mail (Likely to be sent on Sunday) and please send me your cell number in a message ;-)
Thanks, I was pretty reluctant to join because I have never met any of you guys before. Consider me in!

Ian said:
for those of you silently weighing this opportunity - last year's crew was fantastic - it was a small group with great communication and a very clear mission - to keep the ride together and the riders safe from outsiders and each other. This is not a group of bruisers, the members of the security crew were a calming bunch for the riders and they focused on making sure small sparks never became a fire. They are the reason the attorneys had nothing to do and the police didn't have to involve themselves with rowdy riders or spectators. If you can cooperate with other organizers, communicate clearly, help protect the riders and their purpose(s), and want to assist in a great event, please sign on.
Welcome Fred. ;-) Please shoot me your cell # in a message and add me as a friend so i can include you in the planning e-mails. ;-)
Count me in Gabe!
We also need STAY BEHIND crew!
The two from prior years are both out, one (my son) is in order to finally ride with us!
So maybe some of y'all have a trustworthy significant other coming but not riding? Just needs to fold up tables, pack the paints, contemplate, ... Cleanup we'll do next day, stay-behind is just to close up shop. Thoughts?

And and, we can always use more junk folding tables, and a few chairs.


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