I thought this was rather interesting. What might this mean for our city? I moved here form Minneapolis three years ago. A year before my move, Minneapolis had passed legislation allowing Conceal and Carry permits for registered hand gun owners. Some argue that similar laws decrease crime while others say it will increase. Local Minneapolis business owners reacted very thoughtfully by not allowing guns in their establishments sending a strong message of non-support for the bill. I would imagine that a similar reaction will occur here if a similar bill passes. 

The original Chicago Gun Ban is being challenged because of the Second Amendment, however, a different type of regulation will surely replace the city wide ban. Most likely a bill similar to one in Minneapolis. 

I am not a gun owner, nor do I wish to be at this time. If I were to own a gun I would keep it at a gun range in a gun locker. I would support a bill that allowed registered owners to carry a gun but only if it did not include a conceal clause. I feel that if you really feel the need to carry a gun you should have to advertise the fact openly. I feel that this would have a deeper impact on crime out of the possible options for a similar bill. I would prefer that guns did not exist and I feel strongly that Police should not carry guns either. Just curious about what others think and feel about this topic. 

Here is an article in the New York Times:

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And if the intruder came for you and not your stuff???
A handgun is an equalizer. A woman or small man who has a hard time aiming a shotgun because it is too heavy can purchase a handgun that can be used to reliably take down a 250 pound attacker. The same can not be said for mace, a knife, or martial arts. Now smaller people have a firearm option to defend themselves and their families if necessary.

heather stratton said:
Agree with you about the shotguns, that just seems like common sense. I was a teenager when I found my stepdad's guns in our house-- shotguns are heavy! There's no way I'd be able to aim that accurately.

But I wouldn't go around assuming that the average person who keeps a gun in the home for defense purposes is a skilled shooter. Most probably are not.

My apartment was broken into a couple years ago when I was sleeping. Our computers were stolen, my sister's camera and iPod, some irreplaceable family jewelry. It was really upsetting, but in the end, it's just stuff. If I had decided to confront the intruder with a gun, I can pretty easily imagine what would happen: I would be too scared to pull the trigger, he could wrestle it away from me, maybe even shoot me. As it happened, we were just really thankful that no one got hurt.

Michael Perz said:
Future Zombie Killer!!!

I feel safer already.

Chuck a Muck said:
Future Zombie Killer!!!

Marty - my point was not the number of 'haves' and 'have nots' vs. New York or any other major U.S. city. The greater socioeconomic divide is what drives the violence. I agree that crime levels associated with handguns are a farse.

Your statement about recent gun violence events attributed to family members is unsupported (see link from last week http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local-beat/Violent-Weekend-Nearly-40...). According to Jody Weis, the handgun violence is gang related.

When has the changing of elected officials narrowed the socioeconomic gap?!

Marty A. said:
According to the CPD, most of the recent gun violence events were committed by family members. To equate the crime levels to guns is a farse. Most guns used in violent acts are not legal guns. NYC has had legal guns for YEARS. They have more guns and more people and more haves and havenots than Chicago. And NYC has less crime than any other major US City . . . all of this anecdotal analysis can be amusing but just is not real.

How to reduce violent crime in Chicago? Elect non-corrupt government officials and hold City Bosses accountable (CPD, CFD, Board of Ed, et al.) to measurable results. If they cannot do their jobs, then they are out. So are there any non-corrupt government officials???
HA! Just noticed the date... I guess my buddy, who works as a rocket scientist can't figure out how to set the date on his camera...

Adriana said:
I like ;o) are you from the Future?

...sisters and me...sisters and me aaaahhhhh I need to go back to ESL haha!

Chuck a Muck said:
Future Zombie Killer!!!

Chuck...I LOVE the shirt for this picture!!
Actually, can I have a signed poster of this picture for my birthday?! My 30th is coming up.

iggi said:
Chuck...I LOVE the shirt for this picture!!
I'll take an autographed glossy as well Chuck! ;-) This is some sexy Hunter Thompson shit right here!: -)
The next logical question will become when is the first Chicago gun range/superstore going to open up :)
I just can't wait till the new WalMart opens up in the City and finally bullets will be cheap...
Americans have a right to own guns. This right needn't be justified.
There will never be a concealed carry permits in Illinios. This ruling will only allow guns in the home. Shotgun vs handgun can be debated, but hand guns are made for close quarters. Long guns in confined spaces are not optimal. And saying the person has to be an expert shooter to defend themselves is not totally true. that 250 lb attacker usually will not advance if he is being fired at, even by someone with poor aim. And if they choose to advance, well then it's pretty hard to miss at point blank range.

And Jody Weis is right. The difference is the terrible gang problem in this city which the police have not been successful in combating. Not saying its easy BTW. We have a terrible problem on our hands, and the police really aren't even the ones that can solve it.
There use to be a gun club on the lake near Belmont Rocks... I remember shooting skeet there when I was 14...

Jay said:
The next logical question will become when is the first Chicago gun range/superstore going to open up :)
I just can't wait till the new WalMart opens up in the City and finally bullets will be cheap...


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