thinking about riding down to the Fire game on Aug. 16th.. the last few times has been a blast....everyone is are pretty cheap...its a sunday i think.

let me know if your interested.

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I'm gonna have guests in town. I wanna find out if they'll go as well...Problem is only one of the 2 rides and that leaves 2 peeps on my side with no transport. Lemme see what I can do.
the globe has a van i believe.

Gabe said:
I'm gonna have guests in town. I wanna find out if they'll go as well...Problem is only one of the 2 rides and that leaves 2 peeps on my side with no transport. Lemme see what I can do.
yeah... duh... gabe...
well- i hate to say it, but I now have a family obligation that would probably get me disowned if i don't go...

damn damn damn!
I meant bicycle transport. I wanted to convince them to ride. ;-) Yeah Duh that. ;-)

joe said:
yeah... duh... gabe...
Yeah...i may have dropped the bad seed on that. i was thinking 19th was a sunday. 19th and 16th look so damn similar.

joe said:
yeah...not sure whats up...23d is a sunday...29th is a saturday...i think iggi gave me the date. not sure. dont up for grabs...23d or 29th. 29th is the DC united game. should be a good one.
so can i get a and mark and....
When do we meet tomorrow? Do we meet at the whole foods at Roosevelt and whatever?
Just wondering.

i got suckerd into work. so ill not be goin cause im an asshole. sorry.

Mark Trulock said:
When do we meet tomorrow? Do we meet at the whole foods at Roosevelt and whatever?
Just wondering.


Sorry your not going. I think I may wimp out and take the beer bus from the Globe. Is anybody else going?

Sorry dude. ;-( The family group was to large to sway to soccer. To many nay sayers. ;-(
im more sorry. its a great effin day out and i really really hate working on a nice day when i can be on my bike or at a match. total suck fest.

Mark Trulock said:

Sorry your not going. I think I may wimp out and take the beer bus from the Globe. Is anybody else going?



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