In case anyone missed it, Bike Snob NYC thoroughly deconstructed this guy today.

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Oh. Well it's not worth a close read so whatever.

Duppie said:

No, it's not always a BMW. He was driving a Honda Pilot. He says as much in his ramblings

Tom Dworzanski said:

From ChicagoNow:

About a week ago, I found myself on a backstreet in Ravenswood, trailing a cyclist without a helmet riding on old-style ten speed with a courier bag slung over his back.

In other words he was trying to go cross-town on Wilson instead of taking Lawrence or Montrose and was pissed his BMW (it's always a BMW, isn't it?) was being beaten by the cyclist because of all the stop signs.

If it is whatever, then why did you bring it up? You must have deemed it important enough to mention it, no?

Tom Dworzanski said:

Oh. Well it's not worth a close read so whatever.

Duppie said:

No, it's not always a BMW. He was driving a Honda Pilot. He says as much in his ramblings

Tom Dworzanski said:

From ChicagoNow:

About a week ago, I found myself on a backstreet in Ravenswood, trailing a cyclist without a helmet riding on old-style ten speed with a courier bag slung over his back.

In other words he was trying to go cross-town on Wilson instead of taking Lawrence or Montrose and was pissed his BMW (it's always a BMW, isn't it?) was being beaten by the cyclist because of all the stop signs.


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