Chicago Critical Mass - July 2010 Makes CBS (Channel 2) News Coverage

Hmmm... Just found this over at 


CBS Channel 2 Coverage

Report from the July, 2010 Ride:

I guess because they're located across from Daley Plaza, CBS-2's car-driving staff doesn't like Critical Mass and made this effort at an expose-style story. They're attempt to shed a negative light on Critical Mass is bogus. I guess they didn't want to shed any light on the underwear theme...that might actually get more of the public interested in having fun with us! ha!


Interesting. They talk about "sharing" the street right at the end because the mass riders just "take it over." Im sure most of you have had the pleasure of riding downtown Chicago streets without a Mass with you. Did you feel like the cars were "sharing" the streets with you? I'm not sure Chicago drivers share the streets with other cars lol. I attended this mass and I must say I had a blast, though I must admit that I would have been pissed when driving but I usually am when driving in Chicago, Critical Mass or not lol.

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Joel said:
I think this hits on a general pet peeve I have. In general, I really dislike large protests. They lose their initial message. You get too many fringe groups protesting unrelated things. If it were advertised as a big, semi-legal moving party, fine. I have a much more difficult time accepting it as any type of real advocacy.

Actually, I don’t think its really meant to be a protest. I think it is a big moving semi-legal party. Its just a bunch of riders enjoying the streets of Chicago. I hate the feeling when I ride down town, obey the traffic laws, and ride safely, that I am still doing something wrong or illegal. Most drivers I talk to are actually surprised to learn that it would be illegal for me to ride on the sidewalk where pedestrians are (if over the age of 12, according to state law). So it’s about education, a little fun, and getting a taste of how it would feel to live in a more bike friendly society.

The most beautiful part of the Mass, at least to me, is that this is MY opinion. This is why I ride the Mass and will continue to for as long as I physically can. Others may have other agenda's such as improved body image, which this last mass was about by in large, or protest, of fun, or drinking, or whatever. I think when you break it down the mass is often portrayed in a negative light like everything else is. The best way to find out is to simply hop on a bike and come out!

And for the emergency vehicle bit, I saw the mass break into a tunnel or gap 5-6 times, within seconds, to accommodate those vehicles. I dont think anyone wants to cause trouble for those vital services.


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