Does anyone know if there is a ride around the border of Chicago this year?


Jon B.

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LOL! It's called the Chicago Perimeter Ride. If you look in the events section it's been tentatively scheduled for August 28. It's the best ride of the year....IMHO.
Thanks! I keep missing it and I keep forgetting what it's called so I have a hard time looking it up. I heard there are more than one done by different "groups" and one that's the usual semi-organized this year (rumor 3 of them?). Is that true? Think I'll try again this year.

Ricardo Cervantes said:
LOL! It's called the Chicago Perimeter Ride. If you look in the events section it's been tentatively scheduled for August 28. It's the best ride of the year....IMHO.
circumcision ride?
hmm let me find my housing cutters


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