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Chicago bike sharing will be known as Divvy, be Chicago flag blue

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Aren't journalists supposed to be skeptical :))

Thing is.... sometimes the line between news and editorial can get blurred.

Anne Alt said:

Thank you! Yes, it does sound like he's changing his tune.

Until recent months, he's generally been fairly open minded about bikes as transportation. Some of his recent writing has sounded rather anti-bike - not the norm for him. In this latest piece, he sounds more like his old self.

Some positive/awesome Divvy news: my supervisor at work hadn't ridden a bike since childhood and when she heard about Divvy a few months ago her eyes got all wide and she was SO excited for it! She doesn't own a bike and never would have considered biking in the city were it not for the program. She checked out a bike for the first time today. It was so cool talking to her about it- she said it worked perfectly and it was fun and a nice way to get some exercise. The birth of another bike fan :) 

FYI for folks that there's a discount on annual memberships until 8/31 for UIC faculty/staff. I can't tell if this applies to students too.

Great news!  Just what the Mayor and Gabe Klein wanted. ;-) 

And let her know about our Women Bike Chicago events.  She is definitely in the target audience.
Anne B. said:

Some positive/awesome Divvy news: my supervisor at work hadn't ridden a bike since childhood and when she heard about Divvy a few months ago her eyes got all wide and she was SO excited for it! She doesn't own a bike and never would have considered biking in the city were it not for the program. She checked out a bike for the first time today. It was so cool talking to her about it- she said it worked perfectly and it was fun and a nice way to get some exercise. The birth of another bike fan :) 

FYI for folks that there's a discount on annual memberships until 8/31 for UIC faculty/staff. I can't tell if this applies to students too.

Divvy is turning up in places I would not expect.  I saw what looked to me to be two tourists on Divvy Bikes in Welles Park on Saturday early evening.  (Young Asian women speaking an Asiatic language and looking very lost in the middle of Shakespeare in the Park)  That has to be a mistake.  NO functioning Divvy Stations anywhere in the area.   These folks were clearly well outside the half hour range...

That's hilarious! I saw them too, and wondered which station they had ridden from in 30 minutes. I wonder if it was Hamlin Park? 

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

Divvy is turning up in places I would not expect.  I saw what looked to me to be two tourists on Divvy Bikes in Welles Park on Saturday early evening.  (Young Asian women speaking an Asiatic language and looking very lost in the middle of Shakespeare in the Park)  That has to be a mistake.  NO functioning Divvy Stations anywhere in the area.   These folks were clearly well outside the half hour range...

There are a couple stations within 10 or so minutes of there, Damen and Wellington as well as 2 stations near wrigley. Some people are willing to pay the overage fees and ride the Divvy bikes longer then 30 minutes. Maybe they rode for 15 minutes and then turned around. Either that or they were terrorists.

They could also have gotten a day pass, right?  I'm sure that even terrorists know a good deal when they see one.

With a day pass, you still get charged overage fees past 30 minutes.

Carter O'Brien said:

They could also have gotten a day pass, right?  I'm sure that even terrorists know a good deal when they see one.

Ouch, you're right.  I totally skimmed right by that little detail. 

NIMBY's filed the first lawsuit over placement of a station.

I'd say that Divvy has arrived in the big leagues!

They should relocated it to 2355 S. Western.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

NIMBY's filed the first lawsuit over placement of a station.

I'd say that Divvy has arrived in the big leagues!


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