I just wanted to give a heads up that next week, I will be doing a couple Chicago Bike Buddies volunteer training sessions. I've been posting fliers around town and since I've seen a jump in buddy ride requests, we need more bike buddies to keep up!
For those who don't know, Chicago Bike Buddies is a volunteer organization that connects experienced cyclists with new riders who might be hesitant or nervous to go out and ride on their own. The volunteers meet with these riders, provide pointers and then ride together. Since relieving nervousness and showing folks the beauty that is cycling, safe and legal riding is of highest importance. We currently pretty small, have no budget and do what we do simply because we think its right and beneficial.
If you would like to be a part of the organization, check out the website at www.chicagobikebuddies.wordpress.com. You'll find more information and a form to fill out to get on the list of potential bike buddies. The trainings are being held on the evenings of May 21 and 23 in Lincoln Park and in order to become a buddy, you will need to attend one training. They are about 1 hour, relaxed, informational and will get you connected! Details for the trainings will be sent once you have filled out the form.
Any questions, feel free to ask here or by contacting me. My email is chibkebud@gmail.com. Join the movement and happy riding, yall!
This is a really neat program, and it is up and running. Volunteer to be a buddy or let your friends who are hesitant about riding in the city know about the program. I attended a training session for "buddies" last night, and there is a list of people already who want a "buddy". The time commitment is as much or as little as you are able. More safe and confident cyclists on the street is good for everyone!
See this interview with Kevin Swanson: http://www.activetrans.org/blog
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