Chicago Bike Buddies Volunteer Training Session, BBQ and Group Ride!

Hey yall,

Chicago Bike Buddies is having our next volunteer training session on Sunday, May 18th.  If you are interested in helping new riders get comfortable on the road, definitely let us know!  If you haven't already, go to this page, read along and fill out the form. You'll soon after get an email with more info about the training session.

Otherwise, come out and support us!! Chicago Bike Buddies is holding a BBQ and Group Ride the same day as the volunteer training session.  We haven't had many opportunities to engage with folks outside our organization so we're making it happen.  Come hang, have a bite and ride with us for a bit.  We were able to connect over 60 new or otherwise hesitant riders last year and we want to celebrate and keep the momentum going.

Our Facebook and Chainlink events are right there!  Please RSVP and share - anyone and everyone is invited!

Thanks and ride happy.

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Can't make it that day, but Bike Buddies is a great group and has helped a lot of folks get more comfortable on their bikes.


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