Hey there Chainlink!!

So, Chicago Bike Buddies is finally ready to get going!! We are a volunteer-run organization that wants to connect aspiring cyclists with experienced volunteers who want to see more riders on the roads.  We think that by meeting and riding together, we will be able to fulfill our goal of getting more riders on to the road and thus, a prettier world.  And Chainlinkers, since I assume that many of you are on the same page as Bike Buddies, we were hoping that you would be able to help us out!

First and foremost, if you're feeling up for it, we need you to volunteer yourself to be a Bike Buddy!  This would mean that you would meet and bike with new folks to share your love of riding.

Secondly, do you know any folks that could benefit from Bike Buddies services?  We're looking for folks who already know how to ride and have a bike but are just hesitant to get out there.

So, to get involved and for more information, visit our website at http://chicagobikebuddies.wordpress.com/.  We're looking forward to hearing from yall!

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Not a problem!  I think we will change that criteria as you are not the only suburban folk who wants to help and spends time riding in the City.  So, it doesn't make a difference to me and thanks for signing up!

Marc-Paul Lee said:

so i lied and said yes. 

Marc-Paul Lee said:

I think this is a great idea and I'm all for it.  In fact, I'm eager to sign but I was stopped short by one of your questions.  "Do you live in the city of Chicago? "  Well, no, but I bike from Evanston down Clark and Wells every day so what difference does it make?  

Is this site/service up and running? I think it would be great to promote in conjunction with Chicago's Bike Commuter Challenge. 


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