I had the Chicago flag "reimagined" as the Chicago Bicycling Flag. Instead of the two blue stripes there are two blue bike chains. And instead of the four red stars there are four red bike cogs.

I'm getting patches (to sew on your messenger bag or jacket, etc.), stickers and spoke cards made with the Chicago Bicycling Flag on it so we can represent the Chicago bicycling community. If you want one send me a message with your mailing address and when they come in I'll send a set out to you.

Mike Keating
On Twitter @ILBicycleLaw
Ride Smart - Ride Safe

Views: 2022

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Cool flag. I want to wear one!
Will the final product include the text?

Steven Vance said:
Will the final product include the text?

Steven, it will include the text somewhere on it. Maybe not in the exact same spot on the current image. Maybe smaller and below. Again, it's not a "product" in the sense that its for sale. They're free. If you want a set send me your address.


Mike Keating
On Twitter @ILBicycleLaw

The patches and the stickers with the "Chicago Bicycling Flag" came in this week. Attached is a picture of them. The patch looks just like the flag CPD wears on their uniforms. If you want a patch or a sticker (or both) send me a note and I'll send it along to you. IM me here or email me @ mkeating@keatinglegal.com.


Ride Safe.

-Mike Keating


I just sent you an email with my address.  Those look really awesome!

way cool... definitely a keeper!

Outstanding work.  It looks great. 

Beautiful. I sent you an e-mail request as well.

Awesome! email sent!

Thanks for all the requests. A couple of things:


1. Please include your address in the email so I can mail the patch and stickers to you;

2. There is no cost and you don't owe me anything. I'm happy to do it and promote www.ILBicycleLaw.com and represent the Chicago bicycling community.


Thanks again to everyone. Ride Safe. -MSK

Really cool. I sent you a friend request here.

Just got mine in the mail today, they look awesome! Thanks Mike!


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