Hello Fellow Cyclists,

I am working on a small project photographing stylish cyclists, and I want to photograph you with your bike (outside somewhere).  I have a few rules:

1.  No active wear, you should be wearing work clothes or going out clothes.  (unless you can make a case for a particularly nice looking "functional" outfit)

2.  I want all kinds of bikers but prefer women and commuters. 

3.  Look cute and dress up a little!

Send me your email and a photo (if you want) and I will contact you with a time slot.  You can have a hi-res digital copy of the photo. 

martha williams


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i'd love to be included! i ride a fire-engine red foldie with gold-glitter vinyl panniers i made myself! AND i have a matte pink bern helmet with a little visor.

honestly, it's the accessories that get me on the bike at all.

(ps: i wear bloomers or ruffle-butt panties to my mass rides, though probably not the dreidel rampage. maybe with tights underneath ... this could work! it amuses me so i don't notice how far i'm riding.)
email me! Are you a winter rider? If not, might be fun for early spring!

Ironika Leigh said:
i'd love to be included! i ride a fire-engine red foldie with gold-glitter vinyl panniers i made myself! AND i have a matte pink bern helmet with a little visor.

honestly, it's the accessories that get me on the bike at all.

(ps: i wear bloomers or ruffle-butt panties to my mass rides, though probably not the dreidel rampage. maybe with tights underneath ... this could work! it amuses me so i don't notice how far i'm riding.)
I forgot how entertaining this thread is and the great conversation that ensued. We included it in this weeks newsletter since marthas blog is this months featured blog, but im happy anyway to give a little polite "bump".


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