Hello Fellow Cyclists,

I am working on a small project photographing stylish cyclists, and I want to photograph you with your bike (outside somewhere).  I have a few rules:

1.  No active wear, you should be wearing work clothes or going out clothes.  (unless you can make a case for a particularly nice looking "functional" outfit)

2.  I want all kinds of bikers but prefer women and commuters. 

3.  Look cute and dress up a little!

Send me your email and a photo (if you want) and I will contact you with a time slot.  You can have a hi-res digital copy of the photo. 

martha williams


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Marion said:
That group picture is incredible and even more incredible with the twins in it!
Martha you've been bookmarked. Sadly I'm never fashionable but I'll love lookin at these peeps ;-)
Second !

Michael A said:
You both have style, just not in a good way

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

notoriousDUG said:
I find this post to be insulting to those without style.
Nice pic of Alexis on your blog today!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Nice pic of Alexis on your blog today!
Yay for the Kell's and Julie! ;-)
And I think that tip on braiding my hair so it fits under my helmet is going to be very helpful to me.
HA! Ed, you should rock a wig just so you can braid it! ;-)
Same here. Sometimes I can't stand my flowing mane.
Ed said:
And I think that tip on braiding my hair so it fits under my helmet is going to be very helpful to me.
When I moved to Chicago in 2006, I thought I had to wear special clothing. So I spent a lot of money buying it.

Fast forward 2 years and I realize that that's not true. I can ride in anything. But when I shop for new clothes, I think of how they will be affected by riding a bike. For example, skinny jeans will make it hard for me to mount a bike with a high or horizontal top tube (I'm really tall).

Gin said:
Great exposure for the blog and Chicago cycling! Woo-hoo. All this talk about style inspired me to hit the thrift store today.

I started thinking about biking in the late 90's, inspired by the example of the person I was dating at the time. But I actually *started* bike commuting when I met his friend, Gina, who also biked everywhere in any outfit. Once I knew I did not need to ditch my wardrobe to saddle up, I bought a bike and have not looked back.
Great job, Martha.
Check out shar in Bikefancy.com! She looks great!


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