Hello Fellow Cyclists,

I am working on a small project photographing stylish cyclists, and I want to photograph you with your bike (outside somewhere).  I have a few rules:

1.  No active wear, you should be wearing work clothes or going out clothes.  (unless you can make a case for a particularly nice looking "functional" outfit)

2.  I want all kinds of bikers but prefer women and commuters. 

3.  Look cute and dress up a little!

Send me your email and a photo (if you want) and I will contact you with a time slot.  You can have a hi-res digital copy of the photo. 

martha williams


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Martha, If you haven't already, I would talk to Dottie. Her blog Let's Ride A Bike has wonderful pictures of women in everyday clothing.
Ladies you can send me pictures too. You don't have to dress up or wear anything at all Must be standing next to a bike doesn't have to be yours.

send them here: sendme.nudez@gmail.com

... i kid, i kid... maybe

Martha your web sites looks pretty cool
For sure contact Dottie...

Julie Hochstadter said:
Martha, If you haven't already, I would talk to Dottie. Her blog Let's Ride A Bike has wonderful pictures of women in everyday clothing.
yes I've emailed them, thanks!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Martha, If you haven't already, I would talk to Dottie. Her blog Let's Ride A Bike has wonderful pictures of women in everyday clothing.
Let me take your picture : ) When are you around this weekend?

Minh said:
Ladies you can send me pictures too. You don't have to dress up or wear anything at all Must be standing next to a bike doesn't have to be yours.

send them here: sendme.nudez@gmail.com

... i kid, i kid... maybe

Martha your web sites looks pretty cool
What a lovely Bike Winter promo shot!

Kevin Conway said:
For sure contact Dottie...

Julie Hochstadter said:
Martha, If you haven't already, I would talk to Dottie. Her blog Let's Ride A Bike has wonderful pictures of women in everyday clothing.
My bike loves having her photo taken! I'm admittedly kind of a cam whore myself.

Seagull Bag Contest Winner
Awesome! Send me your email and lets figure out a time. Mine is mafaw1@gmail.com


Lorena Cupcake said:
My bike loves having her photo taken! I'm admittedly kind of a cam whore myself.

Seagull Bag Contest Winner
I find this post to be insulting to those without style.

all of these people.

notoriousDUG said:
I find this post to be insulting to those without style.
You both have style, just not in a good way

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

notoriousDUG said:
I find this post to be insulting to those without style.


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