I want a cargo bike, but it's hard for me to justify the price. Where can I get one CHEAP? I want to be able to take my 5-year-old on trips and such.

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Hey Juan, Stop by the Cargo Bike Roll Call this sunday and you can ask owners and experts their opinion - and try one out. Just after the Kidical Mass 


I waited and looked for a long time until I found one used. WIKE, a Company in Ontario makes them at a decent price.

I have a Specialized Cross Roads to which I added an Xtracycle Free Radical several years ago. All told (used bike + Free Radical), I think I've got about $600 into it. I'm sure the Free Radical costs a bit more now. Still, that's another option to a dedicated cargo bike.

What about trailers or trail-a-bikes?  Just throwing out options.

I have a kiddie trailer, and barring unforeseen circumstances, I'm taking my kid to Kidical Mass. It's also close to Jeni's. They have a flash sale going on.

There will be at least one Xtracycle you can try at the Roll Call tomorrow. There will also be a Yuba Mundo (the cheapest out-of-the-box cargo bike). 

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