Chainlink founder Julie H. and Consul General Roey Gilad to lead Bike for the Fight!

We are so happy to have Julie and the Consul General of Israel to the Midwest leading our ride for Bike for the Fight.  Also, tickets have been reduced to $10 with the help of an angel donor!


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In case you missed it, here's the line up for tonight...


Israel Cancer Research Fund, Twist Out Cancer, The Israeli Consulate, Kehilla, Birthright Next, Israel Sports Center for the Disabled Present:

Bike for the Fight Chicago

An Evening of Movement, Inspiration and Hope



Tom Peled, Israeli Bike Enthusiast -Cycling 3,000 miles across the United States to Raise Money for Cancer Research.


Opening Remarks from The Consul General of Israel 


Tom Peled is a 24 year old Israeli who recently lost his father to an eight year battle with stomach cancer. Tom decided to channel his grief into raising money and awareness for cancer research. Starting this past August, Tom will be riding 3,000 miles across the US from Los Anglees to New York. All the funds raised will go directly to the Israel Cancer Research Fund for scientists working to find cures to cancer.  To learn more about his story by following his travel blog.


Tickets are free. Donations made will go directly toward the Israel Cancer Research Fund.

7:30     Kosher, Israeli Dinner
8:00     Opening remarks from Consul General Roey Gilad
            Remarks from Tom Peled
            Remarks from Imerman's Angels, online cancer support group
            Remarks from Juli Hochstadter, Founder of the chain link biking community

Thanks Mel.  Ride has been cancelled, but event is still going on.  Come on out!


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