3 days off and only 5 affirmative RSVPs? You guys OK?




If you haven't been there before . . .  you have to see it. I absolutely loooove what they did with the interior.

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All the cool kids live north side :))
Good news-- you can now cross Madison without a passport!
Hahaha!  Good, because mine's way expired!

H3N3 said:
Good news-- you can now cross Madison without a passport!

if it helps, at 9:30 there will be a Rockabilly dance party at the bar.


I didn't respond simply because I knew it'd irritate Howard. But I do love this bar.
I'm kind of a wuss and don't have good rain gear so I'm waiting to see what the weather does.  I probably won't make a decision until late Thursday afternoon.
Hahahahaha.  Of course.  I lived a few blocks away from Simone's for years, and just moved north in time for a bar night there.
do be careful thursday guys,,,it is st. pats day ,,,lots of intoxicated drivers out there!
I live down the street.  It would be great to meet some chainlinkers so I won't be so intimidated to go to an actual bike event...
Bike events do not get anymore actual than bar nights.

Bliss Buter-Thompson said:
I live down the street.  It would be great to meet some chainlinkers so I won't be so intimidated to go to an actual bike event...
The weather SAYS it's going to be 65 with a LOW of 45, as long as there isn't a 30 mph head wind...
I actually kind of hope that it being St. Pat's doesn't mean the place will be too crowded. I've seen long lines out the door on weekend nights.

Bob said:
do be careful thursday guys,,,it is st. pats day ,,,lots of intoxicated drivers out there!


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