Announcing the Chainlink Avatar Contest!

The current Chainlink avatar (the little image that appears on your profile if you don't upload a picture) is a pretty boring blue head. We say: we can do better!

Here’s your chance to design a brand-new, totally improved Chainlink avatar that will serve as the default image for all Chainlink members. This contest is open to anyone, whether you have a lot of design skill or none at all :)

Please submit your avatar designs here. We’ll take design submissions for two weeks, then open it up to the Chainlink community for voting. The winning design gets a free Chainlink t-shirt and the eternal esteem of all members :)

To submit a design, please reply to this thread and include your image. NOTE: please post it as an image (using the image icon at the top of the reply box), NOT an attachment (i.e. please do not use the ‘attachment’ function below). Designs will be accepted until Thursday, March 19.

Your design must follow these specs
175 x 175 pixels
.gif, .jpg, or .png
Should be biking-themed
Cannot be a copyrighted image
** Please remember that your design will represent all Chainlink members. We have a very diverse community of different types of riders, so please keep that in mind as you create.

Good luck!

Views: 186

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Replies to This Discussion

Dude, what is up with the hostility?


root said:
it is absolutely insane that leah deleted my post where i said the word 'dick' in a suggestive way, yet this animated gif is apparently A-OK.
it's because this board is moderated by people that have been either deleting my posts or closing threads i post in just because i brought up some real questions about how this forum operates. it's lame, and i'm really trying to contribute.
that being said. . . i'm gonna vote for mine. cause i think its swell. and low key. much like people who don't post profile pics

RodimusPrime said:
hope you don't mind i traced the chainlink logo

i still dig on2wheels' submission. this site could use a splash of color
weaksauce, if true. just sayin'

root said:
it's because this board is moderated by people that have been either deleting my posts or closing threads i post in just because i brought up some real questions about how this forum operates. it's lame, and i'm really trying to contribute.
Well said...That is all...


h3 said:I know of no post of Root's being deleted. The only post that has been deleted recently to my knowledge was a double post of Dubi's which was obviously an accident (I doubt he even realized it had happened).
I can not imagine a post being deleted for the word "dick" unless Root was calling another member a dick, and in that case it would be considered in context.
Leah explained very clearly why the thread in reference was closed-- it's the stickie about the marketplace. I know of no threads having been deleted by moderators due to content-- only due to obvious technical errors (the only one I've ever deleted had no content in it, and seemed to be started by accident).
Root, you seem to be on a mission to damage Chainlink while proclaiming that you're trying to contribute.
You certainly seem intent on trashing this thread.
Any chance you'd be willing to apologize for your misleading statements?
Hi guys - let's keep this thread a place for avatar contest submissions, and please start another thread for further discussion and/or opinions about particular avatar designs. Thanks!
hey h3, I did read that other thread... and was somewhat surprised at the "you're doing it wrong" attitude. I think we all realize the tremendous effort involved by the founders and that this is your "baby"... but the users ultimately should determine how it's used and are the key to it's long term success. if root wants to simply link to craigslist, instead of duplicating efforts by reposting everything here, I don't see the big deal.

I also don't know what was deleted and why but my opinion on that is that moderation should be featherlight to non-existent, imho.
This contest is now closed! Thanks to all who submitted designs here or via email. Voting will begin next week.


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