I wear glasses. They suck when you want to cover your nose- all fogggy. Has anyone had any success with the product called Cat Crap?

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I've decided to forget all the magic goo one could apply to biker glasses and upgraded to ski goggles or snowmobile goggles in the winter. They keep the tears from freezing to your face as well. They don't fog as there is a factory applied coating which keeps them from fogging and they are vented in a way that prevents fogging. You can get a pair of Smith goggles from Campmor for $30: http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/Product___83557
I chose the yellow lense, however, as this color works day or night and cuts most of the glare from headlights. This is the model I wear all winter long. I put them on before I put on my helmet but you can hook the strap together at the back if you want.
They are excellent with balaclavas. You can run the balaclava fabric straight under the goggle foam and still not have to deal with fog.
I wear specs with goggles large enough to go around them. My problem has not been with the goggles, but with my glasses fogging up.
I bought a little tin of "cat Crap" years ago. I recomend the product. it has been the only product that I have tried that actually works.

I put it on my glasses but not on the goggles. It works fine on glasses. My goggles have two lenses and air holes so they dont normaly fog up. (not much at any rate)
I put the very last of my "cat crap" on my glasses this winter. I have run out of it, but cannot find it in any retail store. I ordered my tin of it from "campmor"
I usually order stuff from them as they usually have the best prices for gear. I am an avid camper and I reccomend ordering stuff from "Campmor"
I do not know about anyone elses experience with the stuff but I reccomend "Cat Crap"
hasn't anybody used the old trick of rubbing a bar of hand soap like ivory on your glasses inside and out. Then you let it harden like candle wax. Last thing you do is buff it off with a soft towel. It works! You can do the same thing on your bathroom mirror.
Ride on....
they also make a model of snow goggle that fits over eyeglasses, i have them for skiing they're pretty snazzy.

also ray's suggestion does work.
Ray said:
hasn't anybody used the old trick of rubbing a bar of hand soap like ivory on your glasses inside and out. Then you let it harden like candle wax. Last thing you do is buff it off with a soft towel. It works! You can do the same thing on your bathroom mirror.
Ride on....

Shaving cream also works and it's a little easier to clean up. Just put some on the mirror or glasses, then wipe it off. It leaves a thin transparent hydrophobic film that helps prevent fogging.

Got a link?

RodimusPrime said:
they also make a model of snow goggle that fits over eyeglasses, i have them for skiing they're pretty snazzy.

also ray's suggestion does work.
Well. If they say it works then I guess it works - Buy Cat Crap on Campmor for $5 plus shipping.


...forgot to mention that I don't wear eyeglasses....... :-)


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