122782 started a new tumblr, http://carsinthebikelane.tumblr.com/.

Pictures of cars in Chicago's bike lanes & you can sumbit pictures http://carsinthebikelane.tumblr.com/submit.

This lady is pretty awesome. 

Best one so far if of the police car in the Kinzie lane. 

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Yesterday I stopped and told a cab driver that he had to get out of the bike lane on the 18th Street bridge. He was super apologetic and got out of the lane immediately and I felt like a total dick about being such a hard-ass about it.

You know that loft building on the south side of the bridge? What is a cab driver supposed to do if s/he is picking up or dropping off a fare there? Tie up the motor traffic lane? If a cab was stopped there I can imagine some drivers might be likely to pass using the bike lane which seems like an even worse outcome.

I received this, this morning...

Good Morning,

I apologize for the situation this driver put you in and I appreciate that you took the time to bring it to our attention. We expect all cab operators operating vehicles with our company name on it to operate the vehicle in a safe and respectful manner. As soon as we received your email, the taxi driver was brought to our office and his contract was terminated. This individual will never be allowed to enter into a driving contract with us in the future. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

Thank you,

I have mixed feelings about this because this guy lost his contract with the cab company.
On the other hand, other drivers hearing of this will think twice before threatening someone.
What I didn't write about before,and the most serious offense during this confrontation, was that he chased me in his car(me on my bike). He swerved at me,lunging his car, while I was in the bike lane, trying to hit me. I rode up on the sidewalk to get away from him...it was scarey to say the least.

I wouldn't feel bad for the guy. Sounds like he deserved it. What's to say that he hasn't acted like this in the past and you're just the first to report him? Idiots like that should be kept off the streets. 

S.Presley said:

I received this, this morning...

Good Morning,

I apologize for the situation this driver put you in and I appreciate that you took the time to bring it to our attention. We expect all cab operators operating vehicles with our company name on it to operate the vehicle in a safe and respectful manner. As soon as we received your email, the taxi driver was brought to our office and his contract was terminated. This individual will never be allowed to enter into a driving contract with us in the future. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

Thank you,

I have mixed feelings about this because this guy lost his contract with the cab company.
On the other hand, other drivers hearing of this will think twice before threatening someone.
What I didn't write about before,and the most serious offense during this confrontation, was that he chased me in his car(me on my bike). He swerved at me,lunging his car, while I was in the bike lane, trying to hit me. I rode up on the sidewalk to get away from him...it was scarey to say the least.

That is some scary stuff.

I had a similar situation happen to me, although not as bad, with a Dry-cleaning van on Lincoln last  year after I took a picture of him parked in the bike lane.  He followed me and waited until a likely situation where he held way back and then gunned it and buzzed at about 6' from my elbow.   Scary.

The cabbie that got fired will probably do this again at his next job -and have a hard-on for bikes even more. Not that reporting him was a bad thing.  It's just too bad that the police and the cab driver licensing boards don't take this sort of thing more seriously.  This guy shouldn't be driving a cab.  He shouldn't be driving a car.  He shouldn't even be allowed out in public without supervision...

A motorcycle was parked across the Kinzie bike lane earlier this evening.  First time I had seen that.  No picture due to the rain.

You did the right thing.  Assault is no small matter...

S.Presley said:

I received this, this morning...

Good Morning,

I apologize for the situation this driver put you in and I appreciate that you took the time to bring it to our attention. We expect all cab operators operating vehicles with our company name on it to operate the vehicle in a safe and respectful manner. As soon as we received your email, the taxi driver was brought to our office and his contract was terminated. This individual will never be allowed to enter into a driving contract with us in the future. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

Thank you,

I have mixed feelings about this because this guy lost his contract with the cab company.
On the other hand, other drivers hearing of this will think twice before threatening someone.
What I didn't write about before,and the most serious offense during this confrontation, was that he chased me in his car(me on my bike). He swerved at me,lunging his car, while I was in the bike lane, trying to hit me. I rode up on the sidewalk to get away from him...it was scarey to say the least.

ill be sure to take plenty in front of union station...

I catch this streets & sanitation truck blocking the bike lane next to the fire station on Dearborn and Illinois all the time .... WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING!!!!  Thank you for wasting gas and taxpayer money because you can't be bothered to twist a flippin key. Oh wait sorry you would also have to remove and re-insert the key from the ignition. That would would require too much brain power. 

A big thank you to the fire station for not saying something to the driver. Perhaps something along the lines of "you're creating a situation that we might have to respond to because you're forcing cyclists into traffic to get around you."  I know way too much to ask.

I'm not surprised they haven't said anything as the fire station uses the bike lane as, what I assume is, their shift change parking between 7:30am and 8am almost every day.

On Grand...I guess the unloading zone built right next to the bike lane wasn't as inviting?

That is all sorts of special short-bus FAIL.

spencewine said:


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