Cargo Bike Roll Call less than 24 hours away (Monday, 9-12-11)

What is a Cargo Bike Roll Call?
A social event to celebrate carrying cargo, your shopping, and family on a pedal-powered vehicle (with one, two, three or four wheels!).

Who's it for?
1. Everyone who rides a bike
2. People with cargo bikes
3. People who carry things on bikes

What will be there?
Aside from some wonderful refreshments (beer, wine, and finger food), owners will be showing off their cargo bikes, and others will show off their cargo setups. Some owners may even allow you to test ride the bike.

This is an opportunity for people who want to carry cargo or children on their bikes can learn about the 101 ways to do that. Staff from local bike shops may be in attendance, but this is not a sales event.

Vote for the person with the best cargo bike or cargo setup. Anyone who votes will be entered to win a $25 gift certificate to Quimby's Bookstore. The contest winner will receive a priceless gift that better respects their dedication to cargo cycling ;)


Details (for copy and paste)
Cargo Bike Roll Call
at West Town Bikes
1147 N Campbell (at Division)
Monday, September 12, 2011
6-9 PM

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A nice event!  Thanks to Steven and all who planned and put this on.  A few pictures here.




I'll be posting recaps, links, and photos on the Cargo Bike Roll Call blog

Thank you to everyone who came!

Steve, I shared my photos publicly on Google+ but just in case you didn't see them:
Cool photos guys.  I'm sorry I couldn't make it... Any chance you could do another one?

@Ash: Thank you. I only check Google+ when people mention me there. 

@Julie: For sure, but we might have to wait until next year. A "pre-season" event would be great. I need to write an article on how to do it, and how to make it better. 


@everyone: Give me your suggestions on how we can make it better next time. 

Yeah, what julie said. I was bound fopr this but the decided to watch the clown debate on cnn. I wanted to bring my two DIY trailers and really wanted to see other peoples contraptions. I say another! Maybe make a ride out of it.

Nice video documentary about cargo bikes in the SF Bay area.


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