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Good advice. Instead of a "p*** up", I will only go out for a tinkle. 

I'm more concerned about tomorrow morning than tonight.

Why? Are you drunk when you ride to work?

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I'm more concerned about tomorrow morning than tonight.

Come on. Who among us can honestly say this has never happened to them before?

I can honestly say that I never ridden my bike so drunk that I ended up getting scooped up by a snowplow.

Kevin C said:

Come on. Who among us can honestly say this has never happened to them before?

Something to aspire to, then, Duppie.

Do you think a Chicago snow plow driver seeing handlebars sticking up out of snow would stop to see if there was a person attached to the bike? And Kevin, what do you think the odds are that I have ever done that? :-D

I had no idea my comment would require an emoticon. ;-)


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