Yes, it's true... Cal's is closing its doors at 400 S. Wells at the end of the year :((

We'll be there this Thursday @ Chainlink bar night after 5:30 to enjoy drink specials, talk bikes and thank Mike Feirstein for hosting a great Chicago dive bar loved by many a music fan and messengers alike.   Event Link here

**Also, those of you who contributed towards the extra incentives for the Tune-Up campaign can pick up Thursday or Saturday's event at Pecking Order at 4416 N. Clark (Opus Bike Giveaway party).

So if your name is on the below list, your Planet bike light set or Wormhole card will be there for you!  

Planet Bike Light Set:

Ariella Miller
Jennifer Wall 

Yaniv Schiff
maya friedman
Pamela Wood Browne
Tony Adams
Duane Waller
Anonymous (JB)

Sean Newby


Andrea Devine
Eric Hochstadter
Ann Nelson
Alan Medsker
michael wasserman

kevin mulcahy
Liam Stein

(if I accidentally missed someone, let me know)

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Say it aint so...

I haven't been to Cal's in a little while.

Sorry to hear it's closing.

Why is Cal's closing?  The gentrification of the South Loop continues.  The Sky Ride is the last dive bar left down there. 

You can ask Mike the owner Thursday.  Can you join us bill or will you be at Cunneens?


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