So I was sitting around thinking of the old Fox morning show Fox Thing In The Morning, with the scandalous Bob Sirott and Marianne Murciano and they used to have this segmanet called But Does It Come With A Pool where they would tour houses up for sale(udually lavish)leaving the question in the end.. Got me to thinkin, does it come with a bell? And the answer has been more then not, NO. So why dont all new bike sales come with bells? Law prohibits the sale of new or used bike without reflectors on the front, back, and I believe even pedals, so why not bells if they are truely concerned with safety?

I know some do, like say some utility bikes, but idk if thats individual sellers or manufacturers that make that decision.

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I don't know about you fellas but I have at least 3 or 4 sets of reflectors at my place...They are one of the first things to come off a bike for me along with the wheel reflectors and the dork disc...

Heard that. I run lights since reflectors are only passive as long as the car has it's lights on. Lights are the better option to avoid being hit. I have a 5 gallon bucket full of these. Pedals, front and rear also.
I like the portable little air horns...
When you hit the trigger on those people take notice.
I second the cages thing, but only with single speeds and fixed bikes. I was talking to this guy about riding fixed with no cages or clipless shoes, and I don't think he understood why it was a bad idea, especially for someone who's never ridden fixed before. He didn't get it until he slipped off the pedals in the rain. Told ya!

I figure, if the law states you need a front light and rear reflector, it's ok that the bikes come with reflectors, because those are pretty basic, and I would rather pick out my own light than have my bike come with a real shitty one.

ridedirty said:
i feel like bells are redundant and inferior to my voice. the tiny lil "ting ting ting" of a bell isn't much compared to me screaming "HEY" in my scariest death metal voice. and my voice is free.

the only time i bought a bell was for the aesthetics of it. it was a fish, and my dad loves fish.... happy birfday pops!

as far as things that should come standard on all bikes... lights, that's the one that jumps out first... maybe pedal cages? i've noticed a lack of foot retention in chicago, which seems like a real bad idea to me when the hipsters are riding brakeless. or maybe they just prefer to stop by sudden impact. i'm not here to judge. i myself have been known to smack into things really hard for no apparent reason.
I put reflective tape on my bike, it's lighter and less dorkier than reflectors. I used youtube to find the best rear flasher - the planet bike superflash imo - and I think Danielle hit it with wanting to pick her own instead of a crappy one that might come with a bike. We cyclists tend to swap out stock equipment really fast on bikes.

And shouting is just as or more effective as a bell. Bells are probably fine for getting joggers attention on paths, but in traffic you got to breath in from your gut and project. (David can whistle)
GabeW (not the other Gabe) said:
And shouting is just as or more effective as a bell. Bells are probably fine for getting joggers attention on paths, but in traffic you got to breath in from your gut and project. (David can whistle)

Bells work great with peds/joggers/dog walkers on paths. I used to yell out when approaching a ped from behind, but I think I was just pissing people off. The bell is just so cheery-sounding and universally understood (compared to my shouting). I've even had people say "thanks" after I ringed them.

I don't use the bell much on the street. Its not like a motorist in a car will hear a little ring a ding ding. And other bikers respond well to a simple "LEFT."
-"on your left"
-"thank you"

is music to my ears


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