I would love for people to post pictures of their battle wounds. I just had a slippery spill on the metal grate bridge on Harrison at Franklin on Thursday. Here are a couple photos of the results.

Post yours!

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is that a sad faced elbow?
Ouch damn! that busted up grill must have hurt!
I usually just get broken or bruised bones. I will see about posting x-rays.
Here are some photos of my surgery scar. They were taken about a month after the surgery

to put some pins and a plate on my collarbone that was broken as a result of an attack in July.
Sad Face Knee, actually.

Julie Hochstadter said:
is that a sad faced elbow?
an attack? attack of what?

Reddog said:
Here are some photos of my surgery scar. They were taken about a month after the surgery

to put some pins and a plate on my collarbone that was broken as a result of an attack in July.
That's a rough one. I feel really fortunate that I didn't break any bones or mess up my face too bad. After a double root canal, I'm getting some nice crowns on my front teeth. I'm sure I'll still be paying it off in 20 years.

M.A.R.K. said:
Damn Lindsay! At least you have a sense of humor with the frowny face. Here's a couple of pics of pics from when I was 15 and got hit by a car. The face pic I think is from when I was still unconscious and they had my face pack with pounds of ice to keep the swelling down as I apparently hit the windshield with it. Sadly I lost the pics of hte damage I did to the windshield.

That is true, I got jumped by some punks. not mugged though. And so far the ladies do seem to like my scar ;) The thread that I had about my attack is long since gone, I deleted the whole thing. It just got a little out of hand and I had to kill it.

M.A.R.K. said:
I didn't break any bones, but I did have a blood clot in between my brain and skull, a hairline fracture in my skull and my shoulder bone.. I almost had to get a hole drilled in my skull to relieve the pressure from the clot if it hadn't diminished.

As far as your Q about reddogg and his attack, if memory serves me right, and this is from the same incident, he was attacked(Mugged?)by a group of people who came at him off the sidewalk. There is a thread about it somewhere, but I could not find it.

Reddog, is it true that chicks dig scars:)?

Lindsay K Prim said:
That's a rough one. I feel really fortunate that I didn't break any bones or mess up my face too bad. After a double root canal, I'm getting some nice crowns on my front teeth. I'm sure I'll still be paying it off in 20 years.
You are a badass, for taking and posting these pics.

Yeah, don't worry about your teeth, the caps will be stronger, straighter and whiter than the originals.

Hope you aren't in too much pain.

Flipped my bike in the dumbest way possible, trying to kick in my quick release.
Nice, GG. I love the bloody eye. Looks so crazy. :)

Gentleman Ghost said:

Flipped my bike in the dumbest way possible, trying to kick in my quick release.
so proud you sport it !!!! We love you !!!!


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