This is just a reminder that this Friday during the NSCM we are having a guest speaker talking about Bike Safety and other things that will help us to ride and enjoy ourselves without getting hurt. Tony and I were doing the pre-ride of the map for Friday and were on our way home. Unfortunately I took off before he did and I was a block away and made a right hand turn on Gregory by the Jewel on Clark. I stopped and noticed he wasn't behind me. I turned back and started riding south bound where I saw another biker standing facing south on the northbound lane and other people around someone. I looked over and saw Tony laying on the street holding his shoulder.
I was really upset and when I saw blood on his shirt I was more mad at myself for not waiting up for him.
There was a parked Chevy Suburban and the man driving was apologizing because he didn't look before he opened his door causing Tony to hit his right shoulder and his front wheel ride upward while he fell back. The paramedics came and took him to ER where he had x-rays and we are going to visit the Ortho tomorrow with the x-rays. They said he has a Acromioclavicular seperation and we will need to see the Ortho to see if he will need surgery. He is in a lot of pain but I am taking good care of him. He says the Doc took away his wheels....LOL. Well he will be out of his wheels for a least 2-3 weeks and we will know more after seeing the Ortho Doc. His arm is in a sling and has to be immobolized. This is why it's important for all bikers to come out and get great, free information on bike safety. It seems that within the last couple of months we've heard about quite a few accident involving our fellow chainlinkers. We want everyone to ride and be safe! Come on out to the NSCM and give your input on what you are facing as a rider and get free tips on how to be able to deal with some of these issues.Some of these tips could save a life. See you guys on the rode!

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Best wishes for a good recovery.
unfortunately health costs are a main concern and that makes a police report vital to your case. hope the guy doesn't try to worm a false story while you were off to the hospital.
brett, that is verrry warrrior of you to pedal to the hospital -- we don't need no stinking ambulance!

Brett Ratner said:

I got doored and broke my collar bone about 4 years ago. Before I pedaled off one-armed to the hospital, I made sure the police filed a report and I got the driver's insurance info.

Long story short, I submitted the police report and my medical bills to his auto insurance company and they covered it. They also covered the cost of repairing my bike and the cost of a jacket that was torn when I hit the tarmac.

They also offered me a somewhat substantial sum of money for "pain and suffering"...which of course I accepted. Just to be clear, I had no intentions of suing anybody or collecting anything beyond medical expenses and damage to my stuff. But they were preemptively offering it in exchange for signing a document saying I wasn't going to sue the guy or seek additional reimbursement for medical expenses later on.

So my advice to Tony would be to get a copy of that police report and contact the guy's insurance company ASAP. However, DO NOT try to collect from them until you are completely healed and 100% certain that further medical complications will not pop up in the future. Once you settle with them, the medical bills are all on you.

I hope this helps...and I hope you feel better soon.
Seems like one biker after another getting injured one way or another in those city streets! I've had a few of my friends in accidents in the last few months! Guess I got out of Chicago at just the right time! Denver seems to be much safer... or at least I feel that way. Could be b/c you can get anywhere in this city on a bike path for the most part! Hope you feel better Tony! Best wishes and maybe I'll see you two when I come back to visit on a ride or something!

Oh NO!! Ouch!!! I hope you don't need surgery! I'm pretty sure opening a door without looking puts the driver at fault. You can still ride in the N.S.C.M. on Friday by riding in the Kaplan Chaise Lounge Trailer if you like:


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