Monday night.  "Serious condition." Reportedly ambulatory after being hit.

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It takes effort to get hit by the El.


Apie said:

It takes effort to get hit by the El.

I used to live right there @ Kedzie and Wilson. I recall at least two times where a brown line train collided with a car, and maybe once(?) where a person was hit or had a near-miss with a train. It's amazing how this kind of stuff happens.

Yeah, last year at the Francisco stop the gates were going up and a car started going across--got hit by the train, which was going super-slowly, thank goodness. Now I always take a second to double-check that there's no train coming, even when the gates are up.


All of those grade crossings are rather well protected with gates and lights.  Its hard to believe that anyone is in such a hurry that they would go around a crossing gate -- particularly on the brown line where the trains are not long and the delays are short.   Running a red light is not smart... going around a crossing gate is lemming like....

You would think so, but this is Chicago. People will run around the gates @ the Kedzie stop just to get to that crappy convenience store right around the corner. I'm not sure how their mind works that they couldn't have waited an extra 40 seconds to get their lotto tickets.

And, of course, is it the El when it isn't actually elevated?  I guess getting hit by the "at grade" lacks poetry, though.


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