Brainstorm with Designing Chicago at Greater Good Studio

Help design the transportation app you've always wanted

You're invited to join Greater Good Studio's Designing Chicago project for a series of brainstorm challenges to create an innovative transportation app for the Chicago region.
Greater Good Studio is working with a giant team of transit riders, bikers, drivers, and walkers to change the way people get around the Chicago region. Recently honored by the TED Prize City 2.0 Award, the Designing Chicago project leverages public participation and design to improve region-wide navigation. Join the team and create a new mobile app that helps with the entire journey, makes finding our way around a great experience, and pushes the Chicago region to become smarter and more sustainable.
We think every Chicagoan has at least one idea for how getting around our city could be better, and we want to hear them!
You're invited to submit ideas online ( and in person. Greater Good Studio is hosting live open-to-the-public brainstorms at our studio in Logan Square for the four weeks of the Design Phase: 6:00-8:00 PM  |  February 11th, 18th, 25th & March 4th  |  2864 N Milwaukee Ave
Learn more & join the team at
Click here to RSVP for an upcoming Brainstorm Open Studio
Look forward to seeing your ideas!

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