I think last year I read about someone doing a boulevard ride from Humboldt Blvd south then East to Hyde Park. This seems fun. Can someone tell me where I can find a map or precise directions? Also, is it somewhat safe? I'm not familiar with some of the neighborhood it passes. Thank you.

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If you want to be there at 12:15pm what time would you leave starting at Humboldt Park? 

Bob Hermanson said:

Great ride, do it often, usually on Sunday. Lots of interesting sights, and the neighborhoods are generally safe during daylight hours. (I often time it to be at Rockefeller Chapel at UofC for the 12:15 carillon recital on Sunday.) Agree with previous responders about Western, where traffic can be challenging. Also note there are several stretches of bike lane (Franklin, Douglas, Douglas Park, Marshall, Garfield) that are poorly paved and often strewn with debris and broken glass. Good tires are a must for this ride.


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