So last Thursday I rode my bike to work as I always do. Thought it might rain so I attached my rear fender. Had a lunch date so went to hop on my bike and noticed that my rear fender was gone. ...hmmmm...did I forget to put it on? Did someone steal it?  Oh well, no sense crying over spilled milk so I went to lunch. Came back to work, locked my bike up and finished the day.

Finished work, walked to my bike and saw that my rear fender was back on my bike and a mint was on the seat.  What the hell just happened!!!!  

Is this normal? Do people borrow parts from others. I never would of even noticed if I wouldn't of left for lunch..but still...kinda weird.

I'm not mad, I actually thought it was funny. This happened at the Mart and it was on my fixie with red grips.  Anyone overhear anyone doing this?

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I hope it's not normal behavior though I'm not really sure how to feel about that. Usually something like that is referred to as theft, but, given the intention and outcome, I'm not sure I'd label it like that. Regardless, it is a bit disturbing that someone wouldn't think anything of borrowing part of someone's bike like that, yet relieving that it was returned and not just flat out stolen.

Do you have any friends who work closeby? It could've been someone you know who just needed some temporary rear guard.
I think someone wants you to notice them. A secert admirer with a wierd sense or humor???
HAHAHAHA.EM -- this could be the best trend ever! as long it is for the sake of functionality, short span of time, and not an essential piece, e.g., saddle.
only draw backs would be using the excuse when caught w/ the intent to steal.
i'm for anything that is under the umbrella of the "honor system".
if you going to borrow my lights, please put some new batteries in before returning:)
How does the "borrower" know when the "lender" is coming back?
Neither a borrower nor a lender be...
Honestly I think that's funny. If someone stole something of my bike I'd be peeved off. If someone borrowed something off my bike and I didn't really notice then I don't think it really matters. As long as I got it back and in the same if not better condition.... either way the fact that they gave you a mint should make everything OK ;-)

My guess is they were trying to play a joke on you. I know I have done stuff like that to my friends and them to me as well.
they had to know your routine right? Look for the coworker with the minty breath...
Thanks. We'll no coworkers did it. And I don't really know anyone around work that knows my bike. Must be a complete stranger. Oh well. Let me know if you hear anything in the streets.
I haven't heard of this... All I have heard of was my friend's fender getting stolen TWICE last week... the first one he had for a year and a half no problem, the second one he had for not even eight hours... He was really upset ...


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