So...who wants in? and when do yas wanna go?  Popular vote wins.


And just to be clear...i am simply making a play on the name of the park.  This is not a drug oriented event. Ya dig?


Views: 483

Replies to This Discussion

Is the 17/18 ok with you Iggi? Fearless leader.
I'd like to go but 17/18 = call the date.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
Is the 17/18 ok with you Iggi? Fearless leader.
Name changed, thus link changed

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
RSVP is up. Please RSVP as soon as you can so I can get a real idea of interest. Thanks. :)
I've given it a day, and despite 17/18 wining on the discussion board, I am the only one to have RSVPed as attending. Since the discussion didn't work as to setting up a date, I have created a doodle poll to find a new date. I took off the 24th as I can't come and that would just be mean, also the 7/8 because of the Metra blackout. Please let me know if I need to change it.
Thanks for thinking of blocking out another weekend for the trip in the future. I will know in a week what might work for me. I really can't do July 17th & 18th but if I could, I would be going!

If this event gets postponed, I'd be pretty happy because I could raise cash for some gear and actually go on a trip to Bong. I've wanted to do it for a long time.

How many people do you think we would ideally need to make it work (minimum, I mean)?
Five would be ideally the minimum. That would take into account one or two having to drop out do to unforeseen circumstances . This is really a subjective minimum though. I just don't want to ride by myself. Just me and another person would probably be awkward unless we were already friends. So, three total would be fine, but for that I'd like at least five yeses.

Also Holly, mark down when you are free on the doodle calendar I linked above. Thanks. :)

Holly Rhode said:
Thanks for thinking of blocking out another weekend for the trip in the future. I will know in a week what might work for me. I really can't do July 17th & 18th but if I could, I would be going!

If this event gets postponed, I'd be pretty happy because I could raise cash for some gear and actually go on a trip to Bong. I've wanted to do it for a long time.

How many people do you think we would ideally need to make it work (minimum, I mean)?

I put my name in, but I will need to check with my other peeps to see if there are any plans I need to accommodate in August & Sept.

I know for sure the 7th & 8th is out w/Lollapalooza & Joan Jett at Halsted St. Market Days!

Give me a few days to check to see if we've got tickets to anything else or things I might have forgotten to put on my calendar. Oh, and I need to get someone to take care of my dog, too.
7/8 will in most likely hood be out because of Metra being blacked out. That is unless it's the only day that will work.

I think that I'll need to edit it for you when you find out more, so let me know.

Holly Rhode said:

I put my name in, but I will need to check with my other peeps to see if there are any plans I need to accommodate in August & Sept.

I know for sure the 7th & 8th is out w/Lollapalooza & Joan Jett at Halsted St. Market Days!

Give me a few days to check to see if we've got tickets to anything else or things I might have forgotten to put on my calendar. Oh, and I need to get someone to take care of my dog, too.
A few of us are definitely going to go to Bong on July 31/Aug 1. We probably won't be posting it as an event, but if you'd like to go, send me a message or a comment and I can let you know the details.
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law have a birthday on the 31st. Else I totally would. :)

jamimaria said:
A few of us are definitely going to go to Bong on July 31/Aug 1. We probably won't be posting it as an event, but if you'd like to go, send me a message or a comment and I can let you know the details.
I might be able to swing Bong 7/17-18. Anytime in August would also be OK with me. If I were to go on my own, I'd be paying resident rates, since I live in Milwaukee.


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