Bobby Cann killed on Clybourn last night. Critical Mass Tribute?

Hi everyone,

My dear, close friend was killed on his way home from work last night. His name is Bobby Cann. Friends and I gathered at his house after to mourn. He was my best friend. He was such an advocate for cycling and safety. I met him years ago while working at REI. I want to have tomorrow's Mass in his honor. Any ideas/help?

Thank you all,


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Really wish I was in town this weekend to help you out with this.  Great idea and good luck!

Sorry for your loss.

:( Incredibly sad. Motivated me to get some friends together tomorrow for the ride. 

Terrible, terrible.  Very sorry for you (and our) loss.

My condolences to you and to Bobby's family on this tragic loss. I wish I were able to join you tomorrow, it's a beautiful idea.

Sent your a Chainlink friend request with my contact info. Will try & help

We should definitely take the mass by this intersection and pay our respects.


Jason W said:

We should definitely take the mass by this intersection and pay our respects.

Really vague information. Definitely should pay respects at tomorrow's mass.

A quick note: Myself as well as a lot of Bobby's friends are going to be at the accident site this evening between 4:30-6 with flowers and to pay our respect. Please feel free to stop by, say a prayer or just be there. Clybourn and Larrabee. 

Thanks again,



I'm very sorry for your loss Phil, terrible tragedy. 

Agreed. Just read this article & teared up at my desk. 

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

Really vague information. Definitely should pay respects at tomorrow's mass.


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