Hey chainlinkers, Danielle wants to start doing some BMXie tricks, so help her out! I am looking for a bmx bike, and not looking to spend a lot (you know, since I'm just starting out). Not looking to race at all. I'm 5'1'', and I want to get the smallest 20in wheel bike I can find...possible? Meh, I dunno. Thanks!

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You know, just trying to bunny hop over potholes lately I've been thinking about trying bmx, just for fun. Let me know if you find anything!
try the flea markets they are the best kept secret to find good used bikes!
i saw a couple at maxwell street flea market yesterday i'm pretty sure.
Um, I see you tagged diamondback and mongoose... I would try to stay away from those these days. Their quality isn't as good as it used to be. Haro is a much better choice and you can get some pretty solid ones at Dick's. There are also many other better brands out there, and the type of tricks you want to learn can dictate the type of bike you buy. Flatland bikes have a very short wheelbase, very small handlebars, very low gearing, and are very light but strong, and not very fast. BMX racing bikes are very light and very fast, but they have longer wheelbases for better stability. Trails/street/park bikes are generally a mix between flatland and racing bikes. Usually they have medium-length wheelbases, heavy duty parts and frames, smaller smooth pegs, and gyros so you can spin the bars without tangling up the cables. Any of the brands here are very well-respected and bulletproof, and will tolerate a ton of abuse, even by someone my size (180lbs). My personal favorites (which can get kind of pricey) are FBM, Fit, Hoffman, Kink, Kuwahara, Volume, and We The People. If you're looking for cheap but quality, someone mentioned that flea markets are good places to find deals. They're right, and I love em, most of my bmxes are from flea markets or garage sales. You have to know what to look for however. Same thing with Ebay or Craigslist. Let me know if you have any more questions, I grew up on bmx trails and can probably answer pretty much anything you can think of.
I have a bmx bike on craiglist currently,,not the greatest pic but here it is,,,,and it is also a 24in wheels so its more of a bmx cruiser.
hey lady! you should talk to joe, who may be willing to lend you his old bmx bike for a while— you know, try before you buy.
I always wanted to pick up a 88-89 GT Dyno Comp. I guess its because it was the bike i lusted after as a kid but my parents couldn't shell out for it. If I see a nice one, I might still get it, my dream ride 20 years later...lol.
Haha that bike is fly! turns out a friend of mine is going to build an inexpensive one up for me, but thanks anyway guys!


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