So they've been busy the last few weeks cutting off access to the Bloomingdale line.  Does anyone have CURRENT information about where one can get onto the Bloomindale line west of California? 



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its still private property. so its still trespassing.


tho ive always seen access at whipple (north side of the line). they even started creating a park around that access.  its been fenced over a few times, but cut open just as many.

Last I checked the park construction at Whipple precluded access.  Admittedly, the last time I checked was before T-day.


There used to be access somewhere in the Kimball neighborhood, but I can't remember where, and it seems like it required one to hike into a garage or something odd like that.

Not CURRENT, per se, but: in August I climbed around a newish fence at Leavitt without much difficulty.  I don't know if this access point has been better secured since then.


I walked the length between there and Ashland.  Getting down at Ashland was more involved & wouldn't be advisable with a bike.  I saw no other points of easy exit along the way.

iggi said:

its still private property. so its still trespassing.


tho ive always seen access at whipple (north side of the line). they even started creating a park around that access.  its been fenced over a few times, but cut open just as many.


I was reading on that and it seems that people concerned with privacy or wishing to make it beautified can do so such as planting trees. Confusing.


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