Good news, well sort of, my train is packed during rush hours, to and from downtown so I'd never be able to get a bike on.  At least I'm getting flexibility and could take an earlier train with my bike when it's less packed.

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Bikes are still banned on most rush hour trains, they're just allowing them on super-early morning ones.  Still, a very welcome development.

I question why the Active Transportation Alliance gives its imprimatur to this kind of nearly worthless "improvement". I don't know anything more than what is in the Tribune article, but that article gives the impression the Alliance is pleased with Metra's progress.


I know the Alliance wants to keep communication with Metra open, but taking a more critical public stance is more in line, I think, with what the bike commuting community thinks. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Speaking for myself, I think  Metra's policies are a discouragement to bike commuting, and they should be called out for that, not patted on the back when they make the most trivial of "improvement".

Ideally, we'd have a polite/earnest/predictable advocacy organization working within the system (like Active Trans, I guess) and we'd have a more cantankerous advocacy organization that would be in a position to be publicly critical, agitate, etc.  Directing your scorn at Active Trans for not being this other organization, or for somehow being responsible for that other organization not existing is a poor substitute for doing something towards making it happen.

Jim Shaw said:

I know the Alliance wants to keep communication with Metra open, but taking a more critical public stance is more in line, I think, with what the bike commuting community thinks.


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