Good news, well sort of, my train is packed during rush hours, to and from downtown so I'd never be able to get a bike on.  At least I'm getting flexibility and could take an earlier train with my bike when it's less packed.

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Bikes are still banned on most rush hour trains, they're just allowing them on super-early morning ones.  Still, a very welcome development.

I question why the Active Transportation Alliance gives its imprimatur to this kind of nearly worthless "improvement". I don't know anything more than what is in the Tribune article, but that article gives the impression the Alliance is pleased with Metra's progress.


I know the Alliance wants to keep communication with Metra open, but taking a more critical public stance is more in line, I think, with what the bike commuting community thinks. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Speaking for myself, I think  Metra's policies are a discouragement to bike commuting, and they should be called out for that, not patted on the back when they make the most trivial of "improvement".


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