Afternoon all!


I've been running for a while now (approx. 3 to 4 times per week, 4 to 6 miles at a time) and have really enjoyed it. Lately I've been having knee pain, etc, and I'm beginning to think that I should use my bike for more than casually getting around town.


Of course, I decided this in the midst of winter (ice+slush=fun) and made a graceful body-dive along Lakeshore Drive a few weeks ago. I have taken to riding on a stationary bike in the fitness center at work for now, but plan to get back outdoors soon (it's much too boring inside!).


So my question: Does anyone have tips/suggestions on how to make biking as good as or better than my previous running routine? The cardio benefits are important to me due to family health issues, etc.


Thanks in advance!


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As a former runner who had to give it up after severe lower-leg trauma from an unrelated motor-vehicle accident (ostopod told me I'd have a fused ankle in 10 years if I went back due to the damage to my tib/fib/ankle that could not be fully made new) I can say that riding can never really replace running.


At least not on the streets.  Maybe at the track -but even then not really to that point of pushing yourself to exhaustion.


And the thing that I really loved about running was pushing myself on the trails to the point where I was barely there anymore.  This is something that I just don't feel safe doing on 2 wheels as the speed and the safety margin just gets too thin at the same exertion levels.


I might be able to get near but never very close to that feeling that I got running.


Biking is just as bad as running as far as sports-injuries are concerned once you reach a certain point in training regarding patellofemoral syndrome and being tough on the knees even though it is not as high impact.


The only exercise that can replicate that "on the edge" feeling that running gave me at the extreme is rowing on a machine like the Concept 2 which can be a great full-body workout to the point of muscle/ failure and pushing one's concentration to the point of extreme physical exertion and zen-like exercise-related mental release.


But it will never replace that feeling of running through on the trail the trees/forests at what has become "full-out" after a long jog -and that feeling of being in "lightspeed" on the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars.  That feeling of pure physical pleasure at racing through space at the top of your physical limits is something that can't be replicated safely any other way in my experience with any degree of safety like running can offer.


God, I miss that.

Well... I am all about bikes too the point were I gave up the car for a new set of Human powered wheels. First and foremost though I am a runner. Have been since I was younger and will be till I'm old an cant walk any more. I started having issues with my ankles an once in a while my knees but after research and partial thanks to an interest in human origins, I started bare foot running. Only issue I have had since then is occasional thistle stomping (from not paying attention) and frost bite a couple times a winter.

I hope to do my first 50Mile this spring up in WI.


Cycling is a great way to get your blood pumping and I would never say anything against it but I just don't think I could ever say it can top the feeling I get from a good run.

So far, I have to agree with what I'm reading here--it is very different. I've been working crazy hill intervals on the stationary bike, but it still seems to lack the feeling of a good run. I've also tried barefoot running (w/ Vibram Fivefingers), but there aren't enough non-concrete places near me--the hard surfaces made for sore/swollen ankles.


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