
The official start of Bike Winter is just a few days away. I am thrilled to announce that Holly Rhode will be blogging about her first attempt to stay in the saddle as part of the soon to be launched (Nov 1 at latest) renovated Bike Winter site.

We will be tweaking the main page and rolling out new features to the site over the course of the season, maintaining a link to the old site in the meantime.

While we are still sorting out some calendar issues on our end, we are linking to Chainlink events tagged as "bikewinter."

If you want visitors to the Bike Winter site to easily know about an event you have posted to Chainlink, please add the bikewinter tag to your event.

Thanks much! Hope all your ears were warm enough on the chillier than usual (though seasonally appropriate) ride in today.


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I talked to Andrew about this. Thing is "bikewinter" pulls up so many. Not sure how to do "bikewinter" and "winter" and "snow" (another tag) I can help screen and Julie can help add tags for now.
Technical notes for the interested, as replied to Gin last week on the question of simply using a "winter" tag instead of "bikewinter". Note URLs below refer to a temporary testing bed, not the live BW site.

I've enhanced to allow showing different filters for testing. shows “bikewinter” keyword, existing default. shows “winter” keyword. (a different set of events, starting in December)

Using just "winter" would work if someone changed every “bikewinter” tag to “winter”
But currently only a few events have the “winter” keyword alone, while several hundred (?) have “bikewinter”. See breakdown of frequency by keyword at

I then tried sourcing the feed from a text search, rather than keyword, and it turns up a different set, maybe paying no attention to keyword. Try this:*winter

I would’ve liked to have implemented a merged feed from several keywords, but that would increase my code complexity an order of magnitude (and increase network loads). Can do if that's what must be done.

My above use a PHP fetch, whereas I'd guess the updated BW site is using a simple iframe, which may be a good idea. Just make sure the URL is to the keyword feed and not the whole calendar, though right now virtually all events are applicable anyway.
What's missing (I tried, but maybe not hard enough) is compound and partial keyword query capabilities, which may be a current Ning limit.

Bottom line, for now, add a "bikewinter" tag to any events remotely bike winter-y. I understand willow did a hero's job with that last year.


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