On my way to work this morning I saw something I've never seen (or noticed) before: pedal-powered billboards. Looked rather goofy.

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Was it a pair of 4 wheeled advertisements for sports tickets and boat tours?  I saw something like this on Madison earlier today and the guys riding these things kept hitting the curb and each other.  It made me chuckle.
I've seen them every year for at least four years around the Mart during NeoCon (Trade conference)

This is much better than those stupid trucks with the skinny signs on the back that just drive around burning gas all day so they can put a moving billboard out on the streets.


It's a great idea.  I wonder if they are hiring?

My favorite is the beach scene they have on the back of a some mammoth truck.  It houses 4 or 5 people that are playing in the sand and throwing around beach balls, looking pretty ridiculous.

Are you saying that there are actually people in a big plexiglass box filled with sand playing ball being driven around on the back of a truck???


Danny said:

My favorite is the beach scene they have on the back of a some mammoth truck.  It houses 4 or 5 people that are playing in the sand and throwing around beach balls, looking pretty ridiculous.
That is exactly what I am saying.  Everyone it passes gets a good a laugh out of it.  I think the advertisement is for a travel agency or something like that.
I'm surprised that they don't get pulled over for not wearing seatbelts or helmets or whatever.
Were the pole-dancers wearing pajamas too?
That only tells me what they were not wearing -not what they were wearing...
I wonder if the person driving the pole dancing truck was ever tempted to take a corner just a little too fast.  :)  Or accidentally do some doughnuts in the United Center parking lot for 10-15 min and then get back on the scheduled  route.
I think this is called, "pullng a Hesher."

Danny said:
I do some doughnuts in the United Center parking lot for 10-15 min and then get back on the scheduled  route.
I can barely get to sleep next to someone wearing a spaghetti thong and pasties...


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