Anyone know if any store in Chicago is carrying this now? I could order it online but I'd like to give a couple of them as gifts on Friday.


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If I was to take you literally (Chicago), I don't know. The Borders near Oak Brook Center, though, has a copy. I thumbed through it, but in the end didn't feel like buying anything that day. I was wondering how long it was until I heard it discussed here.
The State Street Borders lists it as "likely in store."

Bike Snob: Systematically and Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling
Bike Snob NYC Staff (See All Contributors)
Paperback, 208 pages
Chronicle Books LLC
May 05, 2010
Find it in: Health & Medicine. - Fitness. - Cycling

Store prices may differ from those online.

Chicago - State St.
312.606.0750 150 North State St.
Chicago, IL 60601 likely in store

Arrak Thumrs said:
If I was to take you literally (Chicago), I don't know. The Borders near Oak Brook Center, though, has a copy. I thumbed through it, but in the end didn't feel like buying anything that day. I was wondering how long it was until I heard it discussed here.
I saw that but I went over there and they didn't have it. Checked the store's computer and it said the book could be ordered.

Thanks though.


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